We encourage you to use this checklist to help you structure your volunteer experience with the Beyond Lies campaign.
☐ Subscribe to the Climate Museum newsletter.
☐ Follow the Climate Museum on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, andLinkedIn.
☐ Explore the Beyond Lies campaign resources:
☐ Watch experts discuss the research behind the posters in our ‘Got a Minute?’ video series.
☐ Read additional articles on our resources page.
☐ Spot new and familiar locations where the posters have been hung in our online gallery.
☐ Join the campaign.
☐ Print or request posters through the website.
☐ Review the volunteer guide and the FAQ page.
☐ Hang posters in your community and at your workplace (be sure to take pictures while you’re distributing).
☐ Post images of the posters on your social media (remember to tag the Climate Museum and tag #BeyondLies).
☐ Share your experience.
☐ Submit photos of the posters you hung to our online gallery.
☐ Fill out the Beyond Lies volunteer feedback form.
☐ Recruit friends, family, coworkers, classmates, and groups you’re part of to join the campaign too.
☐ Donate to help the Climate Museum expand this campaign to a growing number of communities.
Questions? Contact us at programs@climatemuseum.org.