Ready to Take Action?


We encourage you to use this checklist to help you structure your volunteer experience with the Beyond Lies campaign. 


Subscribe to the Climate Museum newsletter. 

Follow the Climate Museum on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, andLinkedIn.

Explore the Beyond Lies campaign resources:

☐ Watch experts discuss the research behind the posters in our ‘Got a Minute?’ video series.

☐ Read additional articles on our resources page.

☐ Spot new and familiar locations where the posters have been hung in our online gallery.

Join the campaign.

☐ Print or request posters through the website. 

☐ Review the volunteer guide and the FAQ page.

☐ Hang posters in your community and at your workplace (be sure to take pictures while you’re distributing).

☐ Post images of the posters on your social media (remember to tag the Climate Museum and tag #BeyondLies). 

Share your experience.

☐ Submit photos of the posters you hung to our online gallery.

☐ Fill out the Beyond Lies volunteer feedback form.

☐ Recruit friends, family, coworkers, classmates, and groups you’re part of to join the campaign too.

Donate to help the Climate Museum expand this campaign to a growing number of communities.


Questions? Contact us at